Sunday, March 8, 2020

Ferdinand Magellan

Ferdinand Magellan was the first man to ever travel around the world. His journey started on September 20, 1519. Five ships and 277 men set sail on what was to become the biggest voyage of all time. He was born around 1480. When Ferdinand was 12, he went to train as a page at the court of Leonor. Leonor was the Portuguese Queen. King John II was into exploration and trade. Portuguese who trained in page, were also taught astronomy, navigation, and map- making. Pages were watched over by the Kings brother Duke Manuel. He had some sort of hatred toward Magellan. In 1495, Magellan gave up all hope. King John II was killed and his brother Duke became king of Portugal. Ferdinand was finally able to navigate in 1505. He sailed with a military expedition to India. For seven Magellan worked hard and fought bravely. He visited the west coast of Africa, India, Malaya, and the Sprice Islands. He was the first European to visit the Philippines. In 1512, he returned to Portugal. One year later he fought against the Moors in Morocco. He had a permanent limp on his left leg that was caused by an injury while fighting. He was also accused of stealing some of the booty captured He was refused by King Manuel to try and explore the world. He decided to work out a plan to reach the Philippines and the Sprice Islands by sailing west instead of east. If King Manuel didnt want his services, perhaps Charles I of Spain would be interested in his proposal. In October 1517, He left Portugal for Spain. He was never to return. He then represented Spain. He died in 1522.